2023-07-17    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

Creating a PowerPoint Presentation with a Language Model

In this article, we'll explore how to generate a PowerPoint presentation using the OpenAI Azure API and provide additional advanced features to enhance the process.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites set up:

  • Python 3.x installed on your machine
  • OpenAI API key
  • Required Python libraries: python-pptx and openai

You can install the libraries using the pip package manager:

pip install python-pptx openai

Step 1: Setting up the OpenAI API

To get started, you'll need to sign up for the OpenAI API and obtain an API key. The API key allows you to interact with the GPT model. Follow the instructions in the OpenAI documentation to sign up and retrieve your API key.

Step 2: Importing the Required Modules

To work with PowerPoint and the OpenAI API, we need to import the necessary modules in our Python script. Specifically, we'll import the Presentation class from the python-pptx library and the openai module.

from pptx import Presentation
import openai

Step 3: Authenticating with the OpenAI API

Next, we need to authenticate with the OpenAI API by providing our API key. This step ensures that we have the necessary permissions to access and utilize the GPT model.

openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

Replace 'YOUR_API_KEY' with the API key you obtained in Step 1.

Step 4: Generating the Presentation Outline with ChatGPT

With the necessary setup complete, we can now use the ChatGPT model to generate an outline for our PowerPoint presentation. We'll provide a description of the presentation as input and receive a list of slides as output. The slides will form the basis of our presentation structure.

description = "This presentation is about the benefits of exercise."
response = openai.Completion.create(
    n=5,  # Number of slides in the outline
slides = response.choices[0].text.strip().split('\n')

In this example, the description variable contains the input description for the presentation. The max_tokens parameter limits the response length, and the n parameter determines the number of slides in the outline. Feel free to adjust these parameters based on your specific needs.

Step 5: Generating Content for Each Slide

To make our presentation informative, we'll use the ChatGPT model to generate content for each slide in the outline. For each slide, we'll iterate through the slides list and generate the content using the ChatGPT model.

for i, slide in enumerate(slides):
    response = openai.Completion.create(
    content = response.choices[0].text.strip()
    # Store the content for the slide
    slides[i] = {'title': slide, 'content': content}

Here, we iterate through each slide in the slides list, generate the content using the ChatGPT model, and store the title and content in a dictionary. Adjust the max_tokens parameter based on the desired length of each slide's content.

Step 6: Creating the PowerPoint Presentation

With the slide titles and content generated, it's time to create the PowerPoint presentation using the python-pptx library. We'll iterate through the slides and add them to the presentation with the appropriate titles and content.

presentation = Presentation()

for slide in slides:
    slide_title = slide['title']
    slide_content = slide['content']

    slide_layout = presentation.slide_layouts[1]  # Choose the layout for the slide
    slide = presentation.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)
    title = slide.shapes.title
    content = slide.placeholders[1]

    title.text = slide_title
    content.text = slide_content


In this example, we create a new slide for each item in the slides list. We set the title and content for each slide and save the presentation as a PowerPoint file named "generated_presentation.pptx". You can adjust the slide layout by choosing a different index from the slide_layouts list.

Possible Next Features for the Presentation Generation Script

While the script we've created is already capable of generating PowerPoint presentations, we can enhance it further with additional features. Here are a few possible next steps to consider:

  1. Slide Customization: Allow users to specify different slide layouts, fonts, colors, and background images to customize the visual appearance of their presentation.

  2. Image Integration: Extend the script to generate slides with images. This can involve using AI models to automatically search and retrieve relevant images based on the content of each slide.

  3. Interactive Presentations: Utilize technologies like Jupyter Notebook or web-based frameworks to create interactive presentations that allow viewers to engage with the content dynamically.

  4. Natural Language Processing: Incorporate natural language processing techniques to analyze the generated content and provide suggestions for improvements, such as grammar corrections, more concise wording, or alternative phrasing.

By implementing these features, the presentation generation script can become more versatile and provide a richer experience for users.

Alternative approach - let LLM generate VisualBasic script

In this article we use python to generate the slides. You can also ask model (ChatGPT) for a VisualBasic script that will generate presentation for you. You can learn this approach from the video: Create Beautiful PowerPoint Slides with ChatGPT + VBA: Quick Tip! - YouTube


In this article, we've explored how to create a PowerPoint presentation using a language model, specifically OpenAI's GPT model through the Azure API. We've covered the steps from setting up the OpenAI API to generating an outline and filling the slides with content. Additionally, we discussed possible next features to enhance the script, such as slide customization, image integration, interactive presentations, and natural language processing. By expanding upon these features, you can create powerful presentation automation tools tailored to your specific needs.

Automating presentation generation not only saves time and effort but also opens up new possibilities for creating engaging and informative presentations. With the help of AI and language models, we can revolutionize the way presentations are created, allowing presenters to focus more on refining their ideas and delivering impactful content.