2023-07-24    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

Simplifying Data Download from Google Drive in Google Colab Using gdown


In this blog post, we will explore a straightforward method to download data from Google Drive into your Google Colab notebook using the 'gdown' command. Google Colab is a popular platform for running Python code, especially for machine learning and data analysis tasks. By leveraging 'gdown,' a handy Python library, you can seamlessly access your files stored on Google Drive without any hassle. Let's dive right into the process!


Step 1: Import gdown and Authenticate Google Drive

To begin, ensure you have 'gdown' installed in your Colab environment. If it isn't pre-installed, you can do so using the following code snippet:

!pip install gdown

Step 2: Obtain the File's Shareable Link

To download data from your Google Drive, you must first ensure the file or folder is publicly accessible. To do this, right-click on the file or folder in your Google Drive, select "Get Shareable Link," and set the sharing settings to "Anyone with the link."

Step 3: Retrieve the ID from the Shareable Link

Upon obtaining the shareable link, extract the file's ID from the link. The ID is typically found after "https://drive.google.com/file/d/". For instance, if your link is "https://drive.google.com/file/d/ABC12345XYZ/view," then "ABC12345XYZ" is the file's ID.

Step 4: Download the Data Using the gdown command, you can now effortlessly download the data from your Google Drive into your Colab notebook. The following code demonstrates how to do this:

import gdown

file_id = "ABC12345XYZ"  # Replace this with your file's ID
output_file = "data_file.ext"  # Replace "data_file.ext" with the desired output filename and extension

gdown.download(f"https://drive.google.com/uc?id={file_id}", output_file)


In this brief guide, we have explored the process of downloading data from Google Drive into Google Colab using the 'gdown' command. By following these simple steps, you can seamlessly access and utilize your data for various machine learning, data analysis, or other Python-based projects in Google Colab. Happy coding!