2023-03-05    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

Future of RSS

Speculate on what could be the future of the rss standard, discuss some less obvious cases. Give me long text on that

RSS (Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) is a widely used web feed format used to publish frequently updated content, such as blog posts, news articles, and podcasts. It was first introduced in 1999, and since then, it has been widely adopted by publishers and users alike. However, as technology evolves and new trends emerge, the future of the RSS standard is uncertain. In this article, we will speculate on the future of the RSS standard.

could become obsolete

One possible scenario is that RSS could become obsolete as users and publishers shift towards newer technologies. For example, many publishers are now using social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to share their content, rather than relying on RSS feeds. These platforms provide a more interactive and engaging experience, with features such as comments, likes, and shares. As a result, RSS feeds may become less relevant as users increasingly turn to social media for their news and entertainment.

could evolve to become more interactive and engaging

Another possibility is that RSS could evolve to become more interactive and engaging. Currently, RSS feeds are primarily used to syndicate text-based content such as blog posts and news articles. However, with the rise of multimedia content, such as podcasts and video, there is potential for RSS to expand to include these formats. This could involve the development of new standards and technologies to enable the delivery of richer, more immersive content via RSS feeds.

could be used to combat misinformation and fake news

Another less obvious case is that RSS could be used to combat misinformation and fake news. One of the challenges with social media platforms is that they can be easily manipulated by bad actors who spread false information and propaganda. By contrast, RSS feeds are generally curated by trusted publishers and can be easily verified for accuracy. As a result, RSS feeds could become a more reliable source of news and information in a world where fake news is increasingly prevalent.

could continue to be a vital tool for content discovery and consumption

Finally, RSS could continue to be a vital tool for content discovery and consumption. While social media platforms provide a wealth of content, they can also be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. RSS feeds, by contrast, provide a streamlined and personalized experience, enabling users to stay up to date with their favorite publications and topics. As a result, RSS could continue to be a valuable tool for content discovery and consumption in the years to come.


The future of the RSS standard is uncertain, but there are many possibilities for its evolution. It could become obsolete, evolve to include new types of content, be used to combat misinformation, or remain a valuable tool for content discovery and consumption. Regardless of what happens, it is clear that RSS has had a significant impact on the web and will continue to be an important part of the digital landscape for years to come.