2022-05-12    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

How to ignore warnings in Python

use warnings module directly

# disable
import warnings

# enable warnigs
warnings.filterwarnings('default') # or 'once' to show warnings only once

use context manager

You can use the warnings.catch_warnings() context manager to temporarily suppress warnings within a block of code. Here's an example:

import warnings

with warnings.catch_warnings():
    # code that generates warnings here
    # ...
# warnings are enabled again outside of the context manager

In this code, the catch_warnings() context manager is used to temporarily catch any warnings that are generated within the indented block of code. The filterwarnings() function is called within the context manager to disable warnings. Once the block of code exits, warnings are re-enabled automatically outside of the context manager.

You can modify the filterwarnings() call within the context manager to fine-tune which warnings are suppressed or shown, depending on your needs.