2023-08-12    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

Storing Private Python Packages with Local NAS and Lightweight Servers

X::Create Self-Hosted Python Package Repository - General Guide X::Lesser-known Python Package Repository Managers

There are simple ways to store private Python packages on a local NAS (Network Attached Storage) without setting up a full-fledged package repository manager like Devpi or Artifactory. Here are a couple of straightforward alternatives:

Option 1: Local File System Repository

This approach involves creating a directory on your NAS to store your Python packages. You can use the pip command's --find-links option to specify the location of your custom package directory.


  • Very simple setup and usage.
  • Well-suited for small teams or personal projects.


  • Lack of advanced features like access control, versioning, and replication.


  1. Create a Packages Directory on NAS:
  2. Create a directory on your NAS where you will store your Python packages.

  3. Upload Packages to NAS:

  4. Copy or move your Python packages into the NAS directory.

  5. Install Packages from NAS:

  6. Install packages from your NAS using the pip command with the --find-links option:

    pip install --find-links=file:///path/to/nas/packages/ <package>

Option 2: Local PyPI Server

You can set up a lightweight local PyPI server like pypiserver to serve your private Python packages.


  • Simple setup with basic package management features.
  • Suitable for small teams and projects.


  • May lack advanced features like access control and versioning compared to full repository managers.


  1. Install pypiserver:
  2. Install pypiserver using pip:

    pip install pypiserver

  3. Create a Packages Directory:

  4. Create a directory to store your Python packages.

  5. Start pypiserver:

  6. Start the pypiserver with the command:

    pypi-server -p 8080 /path/to/packages/

  7. Upload and Install Packages:

  8. Copy your Python packages to the packages directory.
  9. Install packages using the pip command with the local PyPI server URL:

    pip install --index-url=http://localhost:8080/simple/ <package>

These simpler approaches provide a way to store private Python packages on a local NAS without the overhead of setting up a comprehensive repository manager. Choose the option that best fits your needs and resources. Keep in mind that while these methods are simpler, they lack some advanced features and may not be as scalable or secure as full repository managers.