2023-03-05    Share on: Twitter | Facebook | HackerNews | Reddit

Future-Proofing RSS - Key Changes and Technical Solutions to Keep the Web Feed Format Relevant

While RSS has been a widely adopted web feed format for over two decades, there are concerns that it may become obsolete in the face of emerging technologies and trends. To prevent this from happening, there are several key changes that could be made to the RSS standard to make it more relevant and useful in the years to come. In this article, we will explore some proposals for key changes to the RSS standard and their technical solutions.

1. Support for multimedia content

One of the key changes that could be made to the RSS standard is to support multimedia content, such as podcasts, videos, and images. Currently, RSS feeds are primarily used to syndicate text-based content, such as blog posts and news articles. However, with the rise of multimedia content, there is a need to expand RSS to include these formats.

The technical solution for implementing this change is to develop new standards and technologies for delivering multimedia content via RSS feeds. For example, a new element could be added to the RSS schema to allow for the inclusion of multimedia content, along with metadata such as file type, size, and duration. This would enable users to receive more immersive and engaging content via RSS feeds, making them more relevant and useful.

2. Personalization and recommendations

Another key change that could be made to the RSS standard is to support personalization and recommendations. Currently, RSS feeds are primarily based on subscriptions, where users manually select the feeds they want to follow. However, with the rise of personalized recommendations and machine learning, there is potential to make RSS feeds more tailored to the user's interests.

The technical solution for implementing this change is to incorporate machine learning algorithms into RSS readers to provide personalized recommendations based on user behavior and interests. This could involve analyzing user behavior, such as click-through rates, time spent on articles, and topics of interest, to suggest relevant content that the user is likely to enjoy.

3. Social sharing and engagement

A third key change that could be made to the RSS standard is to support social sharing and engagement. Currently, RSS feeds are primarily a one-way communication channel, where publishers syndicate content to subscribers. However, with the rise of social media platforms, there is a need to enable more social sharing and engagement within RSS feeds.

The technical solution for implementing this change is to develop new standards and technologies for social sharing and engagement within RSS feeds. For example, RSS readers could incorporate social sharing buttons, such as those found on social media platforms, to enable users to share content with their friends and followers. Additionally, RSS feeds could incorporate comments sections to enable users to engage with publishers and other users directly within the feed.

4. Security and privacy

Finally, a fourth key change that could be made to the RSS standard is to improve security and privacy. Currently, RSS feeds are primarily based on unencrypted HTTP connections, which can be vulnerable to attacks such as man-in-the-middle attacks and eavesdropping. Additionally, RSS feeds may collect user data, such as IP addresses and user agents, which can be used for tracking and profiling purposes.

The technical solution for implementing this change is to support encrypted HTTPS connections and to provide better user privacy controls within RSS readers. For example, RSS readers could incorporate privacy settings that allow users to control what data is collected and shared with publishers, as well as what data is collected and shared with third-party analytics and advertising services.


To prevent RSS from becoming obsolete, there are several key changes that could be made to the RSS standard. These include support for multimedia content, personalization and recommendations, social sharing and engagement, and security and privacy. By implementing these changes, RSS can continue to be a relevant and useful tool for content discovery and consumption in the years to come.

Tags:  rss